How we help our Members

Tony Underwood

Age: 50
Occupation: Self-employed farrier
Condition: Musculo-skeletal
A farrier describes how a back injury from an accident nearly put an end to his career...

"When I injured my back, I just couldn’t really handle the heavy lifting part of being a farrier and my business really started to suffer.

Luckily, Holloway Friendly not only arranged for intensive physiotherapy – which the NHS wouldn’t give me – they also had a few other surprises for me…"

We supported Tony by paying his monthly benefit while he wasn't working, but from our regular contact with Tony we could also see that we needed to help him when he went back to work – because he simply couldn’t do it like he did before.

We arranged not only for intensive physiotherapy (which he was unable to get through the NHS) but also for a functional capacity specialist to advise him on how he might change things at work to make life easier.

The specialist helped him apply to the Council for a workshop so he could prepare horse shoes before going on-site, suggested a battery-operated winch to help him lift the anvil on and off the truck, and pointed out how Tony could also benefit from taking on an apprentice.

The apprenticeship scheme meant Tony used his skills to teach, and in return got an extra pair of hands and someone to help with the lifting. Tony is now back working full time and business is looking up.

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