How we help our Members

George Middleton

Age: 50
Occupation: Crewing Operations Manager
Condition: Post traumatic stress disorder
How we helped George recover from the trauma of an accident at sea - when there was no one else to turn to...

"It’s tough seeing one of your crew lose his life at sea. No wonder I got anxiety issues and eventually stopped working.

My GP only prescribed me anti-depressants, but Holloway Friendly was determined to go a bit further to help me out and get my life back on track…"

"I thought that ’keeping busy’ was the best way to cope but, looking back, my state of mind was deteriorating. I withdrew from family life, I couldn’t interact with people – even by phone or email. Eventually I was even afraid to go outdoors and stopped going into work at all."

It was our monthly phone calls that first alerted us to the real problem. We realised that George was getting worse because we could only talk to his wife (George wouldn't come to the phone) and we learned that his GP was only prescribing anti-depressants – and failing to refer George to specialist charities such as MIND.

We wanted to help him get his life back on track, and brought in a mental health assessor to help. The assessor recommended a rehabilitation regime to help him overcome depression and anxiety.

After a while, we saw some of the "old" George returning. He became gradually more confident, and we were delighted to hear that he was able to return to work after a little over a year.

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